Info Images circle / in all directions an art concept for the stairwells and corridors of the public prosecutor’s office at Infanteriestraße 9. The renovated barracks building is a modern two-hip office facility with naturally lit offices, long hallways and…
Info Images The multi-person game musical chairs or chair polka, also called musical chairs, is popular with young and old: It is a game full of movement, music, togetherness and needs nothing but always one chair short. It can be…
Info Images LooooooopspoooooL for the open space of the publicly subsidized housing development Munich/Riem: The art in the small park was intended to create a center of communication and contemplation uniting ethnicities and generations, radiating into the adjacent urban space.…
Info Images Group work Tamsweg This work on glass is an emblematic sign that symbolizes community. I developed it from a black and white photo taken around 1950 in Lungau. This shows a large peasant family eating a (milk) soup…
Info Images qu are you? banyan tree Art in public space for project applications for the year 2012 cooperative and interdisciplinary developed project diverse media procedural temporary Mediation and communication strategies Project – Proposal from Nele Ströbel (Artist) MILK DESIGN…
Info Images Art competition Bundesschulzentrum Tamsweg, Sbg., Lungau. Prebers’ dream Like sculptures in the fine arts, mountains are depicted with their chocolate sides. If you approach the mountain from a different side than the published one, you will hardly be…
Info Images Im_ lot _ a spatial work about silence Competition for the Atrium of the Spastics Center Munich, Sendling 2004 The central atrium in the newly built Spastics Center Munich provides access to the rooms of the in-house facilities:…
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