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Not only the outstanding quality of the collection, but also our high level of activity in the areas of research, exhibitions and education guarantee the Artey prominent position in the international & art museum landscape.

isar crossing

 isar crossing

Info Images “Isarüberweg” in cooperation with Dieter Ströbel On the occasion of the extension of the Brudermühl Bridge, the competition “Know the Ways” was launched, based on Scivias by Hildegard von Bingen. “Isarüberweg” visualized the path of the Isar as…



Info Images LooooooopspoooooL for the open space of the publicly subsidized housing development Munich/Riem: The art in the small park was intended to create a center of communication and contemplation uniting ethnicities and generations, radiating into the adjacent urban space.…

Preber’s dream

 Preber’s dream

Info Images Art competition Bundesschulzentrum Tamsweg, Sbg., Lungau. Prebers’ dream Like sculptures in the fine arts, mountains are depicted with their chocolate sides. If you approach the mountain from a different side than the published one, you will hardly be…