Vehicles and fallen flowers exhibition at Galerie Pamme-Vogelsang
Nele Ströbel “Picture cars and fallen flowers”
Start of exhibition: January 26, 2024, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Exhibition duration: until March 16, 2024
The exhibition title
Image vehicles and fallen flowers
is a poetic condensation of current groups of works that Nele Ströbel is presenting in her sixth solo exhibition at Galerie Pamme-Vogelsang from January 26 to March 16, 2024.
Nele Ströbel’s pictorial vehicles are indebted to her interest in the scientific work of Aby Warburg. In her artistic life, Nele Ströbel generates and collects images from a wide variety of cultures. These can be pictures from the Middle East, pictures from Berlin Kreuzberg, from Asia or the Munich cityscape, all of them are impressions and observations from her numerous study trips and her two living and working locations Berlin and Munich.
In a creative collecting process, the ‘artist-nomad’ generates networks of images that are subject to their own order and non-linear systems. Her main concern is to show the transcultural visual language and the connecting cultural phenomena in her art.
The exhibition concept with terracottas, objects, linoleum collages and digital prints will make it possible to trace these connections. Like a perpetuum mobiles, Nele Ströbel places her pictorial (inventions) in the exhibition space, leaving the viewer in sheer amazement at the simultaneity and non-simultaneity of the pictorial works.
Since her studies in Vienna, Nele Ströbel has been in contact with Peter Weibel, Arnold Keyserling and Bernhard Waldenfels on phenomenology, image science and image theory. As an artist who “thinks with her hands”, Nele Ströbel works analog and digital, two-dimensional and three-dimensional into space.
She always draws on her own world of experience in her work. The paradigm shift between private and public space is the core theme of her multimedia installations. It expands the view from the personal perception and experience of mobile existence into the past and into the global, socio-political present. In doing so, she transforms her perceptions into aesthetic works of art whose complexity allows and provokes new associations. Nele Ströbel’s art encourages us to rethink things, circumstances and distortions.
Dr. Gudrun Pamme-Vogelsang, December 23
Further information www.pamme-vogelsang.de and www.nele-stroebel.de
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