mapping III
mapping III
an exhibition project for
in the rooms of
St. Christopher, Nansenstr. 5 in 12047 Berlin:
an artistic journey through time from plan drawings and spatial works on pilgrimage In the past, present and future.
mapping III is related to the “nomaden salon” that I showed at the Munich Rathausgalerie/ Kunsthalle until May 2019:
Traces of pilgrim people and their paths are explored.
In the side aisles of St. Christophoros, a spatial diary of drawings, films and objects that tell of pilgrimage will be installed.
This creates an artistic orientation between built landmarks and virtual navigation from:
1.Emotional mappings: recording of remembered city maps in isometric projection on canvas with marker, diameter: 360 cm round.
2. navigation systems_smartphone versus inner compass: paper works
3. walking not talking: film loop about washed up shoes in Tanzania
4. foot print, prints: Linoleum prints to the shoes of the Pope. These stood with many other pairs of shoes in Paris in 2017 as a protest against climate change. The current security situation had prohibited a demonstration during the climate conference. As representatives, people from all over the world had sent their shoes.
5. footsteps: I was given all the lasts from an abandoned orthopedic workshop in Berlin. I carved these back to sound feet, sealed the holes with red wax, and arranged them into new pairs. The “steps” can be set up as a circle or block, depending on the spatial situation.
6. traces: “Plan B”, 2018, marker and print on textile. Linoleum prints on paper, tripod with Minnibeamer encased by a print. The work is called Plan B because it can be built both horizontally and vertically. The twelve mounted works on paper determine the direction of perception. The projection on an A 4 paper shows glimpses of the workshop work and a rotating procession of wooden strips
mapping III is a time travel of plan drawings and spatial works on the pilgrimage In the past, present and future.
In connection with the exhibition project “nomaden salon”,I have intensively dealt with aspects of pilgrimage and found the shoes of the Pope.
These stood with many other pairs of shoes in Paris in 2017 as a protest against climate change. The current security situation had prohibited a demonstration during the climate conference. As representatives, people from all over the world had sent their shoes, a very impressive picture.
This is another element I worked on in my canon of works of drawings, prints, media works, and objects on pilgrimage.
At the heart of the exhibition are individualized linoleum prints “Traces”,
treating the Pope’s shoes in different applications of paint on different media.
Other exhibits include the wall drawings on pilgrimage in the church year on floor labyrinths, the media cases with interviews on “emotional mapping” and picture loops of, among other things, the countless lost shoes on Africa’s coasts.
I was given all the lasts from an abandoned orthopedic workshop in Berlin. I carved these back to sound feet, sealed the holes with red wax, and arranged them into new pairs. The “steps” can be set up as a circle or block, depending on the spatial situation.