Explorer project school Tamsweg
>Explorer< (explorer, explorer)
The Explorer project defines the Bundesschulzentrum Tamsweg as a base and starting point to the global knowledge society. This is to be shown at the eastern building complex. The reading of the building is to act as a pictorial signal to the interior and exterior spaces via a heliostat and deflecting mirror system.
Heliostats are circular mirrors mounted on joints that track the sun by means of a control system specially programmed for the location. They are placed in southern orientation at the skylights and direct the sunlight to the rectangular deflecting mirrors set in the north. These bring light into the building via a 45° angle. This allows natural light to be directed beyond the designated skylight zones in the right- and left-hand stair eyes to the 1st floor.
The backs of the mirrors are printed with floral ornaments of prangen bars. These are 8 meter long wooden poles, artfully wrapped with flower garlands, which are supposed to remind annually of a plague of locusts in the Lungau. On the heliostat circles the retro form of a “Prangenstangen rotation”, reminiscent of the aesthetics of youth culture on the net. The Explorer project communicates the architecturally intended internal orientation and stimulating atmosphere beyond the building:
The mirrors depict sections of the surrounding nature, which, with the help of the deflecting mirrors, bring the world into the building like a kaleidoscope. There is a potentiation of consistent architectural lighting, visual relationships and their scenarios in the context of the surroundings.