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 REM – A journey into hidden spaces

REM – A journey into hidden spaces

The preoccupation with space and its hybrid structural levels led me to bionics (= derivation of complex relationships and non-linear modes of action from nature).

Bionic Journey:
The microscope reveals images that immediately bear little resemblance to structures we are familiar with and at the same time evoke memories of dream plexuses from the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep.
The further one travels on the SEM (scanning electron microscope) into these spaces hidden from the naked eye, the more intense the memory becomes. After magnifying the single-celled organisms 5,000 times, the image tilts and formations appear that are reminiscent of complex large-scale structures such as coral reefs. Since the Precambrian, the silicate of diatoms and radiolarians has formed the basic stock of clay-rich areas and at the same time symbolizes the digital age.
The μ-small single-celled plants and animals are surrounded by multiform silicon armor, the structure of which has not yet been unraveled.

My desire to form these round image sections three-dimensionally came when I looked into the SEM. Extreme magnifications produce astonishing images of living systems of order. These worlds, nonlinear orders, allow a glimpse into the future of things.
The 40 cm terracottas are dynamically arranged in three color groups on different spatial levels as groupings.
Starting from a circular and spherical basic form, the hollow bodies bear textures reminiscent of imprints of industrial metal chassis, of sensors and of grid structures.