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Not only the outstanding quality of the collection, but also our high level of activity in the areas of research, exhibitions and education guarantee the Artey prominent position in the international & art museum landscape.
 colors in the sky

colors in the sky

(neon)colors in the sky

In this two-part work, I focus on the many simultaneous, ambiguous events in these dystopian times.
I can hardly believe my eyes.
What is reality, truth, what is beautiful appearance or cruel abyss?
Military drones, also disguised as animals such as owls or seagulls, or with an obvious technical appearance, are currently criss-crossing our airspace and waters.
They are flying on private and state missions.
Filming, strafing, spying, dropping bombs.
Remote-controlled and often invisible.

This leporello is about architectural and inner spaces that are out of balance.
About fears and attempts to understand and deal with the maelstrom of events.

The drone motifs are stencil-printed onto the paper in white and black tinting paint.
Pencil drawings of drone outlines and buildings in all states of aggregation are placed on top.
Some of these are filled with neon markers.

Technical specifications:

These are two unique pieces in mixed media.

The motifs are drones of all kinds. Black and white stencil printing, watercolor and freehand drawings with black pencils are applied to this layer.
The colors and pigments are water-based and climate-neutral.

Stencil printing and free drawing in black, white and neon color.

29 x 21 cm, portrait format, total length 722 cm, 24 pages, single-sided.

The two outer cover flaps are made of printed black cardboard.

The paints and pigments are water-based and climate-neutral.

The 200 gr.
Drawing board is acid-free.
Place of origin: Berlin.