A sound system- audible images in the bars of surgery.
The sound of the sea soothes, we all know that from the happy vacations where our window was right on the pulse of the surf.
The path through the sound and image space is intended to be a 50-meter-long offering of inner silence. If we as patients are pushed lying through >akku< we can experience the circular cutouts on the ceiling, experience the rhythm of the water images.
Three of my favorite spatial works float in hospital halls and are intensely felt by patients.
>akku< consists of 24 water images printed on aluminum that I have photographed. These are perforated in the center over speakers mounted on the ceiling of the bars. The mini speakers are dubbed out so that they get louder towards the center of the bridge. The sound system is randomly activated by a motion detector. A gentle ocean surf is digitally recorded in a loop. The noise swells ever so slightly to then roll back over pebbles. You can listen to the sound at you-tube <object width=”425″ height=”350″> <param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Ruk9Q92R-YE”> </param> <embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Ruk9Q92R-YE” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”425″ height=”350″> </embed> </object> retrieve via web-enabled cell phone
Since musician’s medicine is also offered, there are probably many music lovers among the staff. In the 2nd bridge, the Water Music by Georg Friedrich Haendel was to be transmitted. Can this work be performed by a university orchestra in Freiburg?